Sunday, March 1, 2015

Magic Giant (March 1, 2015)

I've been sitting on my hands waiting to share Magic Giant with all of you and I can't wait any longer!!  This LA based band has a 4 song EP out (available for free) and I have a feeling once they get signed things are going to happen very quickly.  While they have a unique style and sound they could be grouped along with Mumford and Sons, The Lumineers etc in that their songs tend to be big adventures - often changing tempos and feel as it moves along.  Lots of great instrumentation, group vocals and a party/jam atmosphere.  This band happens to be  extra special to me because it's lead singer is one of my former students and he's had quite the musical journey and I am so impressed with his work in this band.  Their first song, "Glass Heart" instantly became a favorite and everything I've heard from them since has been golden.  You can stream/download their 4 songs for free and I encourage you to hop on their bandwagon early - it's going to be a great ride!

Have a great week and enjoy the music!

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